New Jersey Flute Society
2024 Flute Fair Competitions Day of Schedule
Saturday, November 2, 2024
8:30 AM: Registration Opens
Note: Competitors will have 10 mins of warm-up before their competition. We highly recommend warming up at home before arriving.
*The exact competition time for ALL participants will be sent individually before the competition day*
9 AM -10 AM: Middle School First Round
(Location: Hyde/ Watson Hall)
Each performer will have 5-7 minutes
10:30 AM: Finalists for the Middle School Division will be announced
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Middle School and High School Final Round
(Location: Hyde/ Watson Hall)
Each finalist will have the following amount of time:
Middle School: 7 minutes
High School: 10 minutes
1:00PM - 2:00PM: Young Artist Final Round (Open to Public)
(Location: Burgdorff Recital Hall)
Young Artists: 20 minutes